Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What If?

What if
Rain was liquid candy?
Everyone would be sticky instead of wet.
No one would go hungry unless there was a drought,
and everyone would be hyped up on sugar all the time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


<- walker's Version id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5302018952055587394" border="0" />

<- Eva's Version

This is the monster I made in Mr. Bergquist's class. What we had to do was create a monster and write a descriptive paragraph about it so someone else could get it and draw it according to your descriptions. Mine is supposed to be from mars, so i called him Marsman. His hair is like purple snakes and his body is huge, green and round with blue polka dots. His legs are checked blue and green and he has two toes on each foot that curl up like an elve's. His face is shaped like a skull and his arms are long and pointy. He has huge eyes, a unibrow, and a nose that's pink and pushed up like a pig's nose. He doesn't have a neck. He has wrinkles around his mouth, nose, and eyes. It looks like he could be 100 years old. He lives in this really cool area with mars mountains and really weird creatures. There is a little bird with really long arms sitting next to him. The cave behind him in one of the mountains is his cave. The circle in the corner is the moon incase you didn't know what it was. It's really interusting to see how other people draw your monster. I'm pretty sure that the one i drew that was someone else's looks nothing like the real thing. Some of them were so different, you could barely tell they were supposed to look the same. It was funny. Well that's my monster!