Monday, June 8, 2009


I went to Mexico this last week... I'm not really sure why we chose to go 2 weeks before school was out but it was still fun. We had to take a flight to Houston, Texas and then a connecting flight to Mexico. We got to Houston and we got confused by the time difference so we were like "oh we have like an hour before we leave" so we go to a few of those airport stores and when we get back, the people were like... "You missed your flight" We had to get a hotel and stay the night and then wake up the next morning and get to the airport. We didn't even have real tickets. It wasn't fun. We got on the flight and we got to Mexico a day light. It was so hot! Everything there looked dead and dry. There were iguanas running free around all the houses and stuff. We saw wild monkeys and I held a crocodile. We also swam in underwater pools called cenotes. It was really cool. We stayed at the Grand Mayan hotel and it was huge! They had like 20 swimming pools and the resort was also on the beach! I got a realllllllly bad sunburn though. It was hard to move. But yeah over all it was tons of fun! If you ever want to go to Mexico.... I think you should go in the winter so it's not so hot. I go dehydrated about 5 times !