Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Break!

I know that everyone else is probably writing the same thing but oh well. It's all I have to talk about :P Ok, well, this winter, my cousin and her family came over and stayed at our house for a week. We went up to my grandma's house to celebrate Christmas with the rest of our family. My mom has one sister and 3 brothers so it was a big get together. For Christmas Eve dinner we had salmon. It was so good. My uncle makes it for us every year. When all of the younger kids went to bed, me one of my older cousins, Sarah, and the adults put out all the presents. On Christmas morning we all woke up and sat in the living room waiting for everyone to get there. When they finally got there we all opened up our presents. I got rockband 2, some clothes, $100 itunes gift card, a wallet, a chinese yoyo and some other stuff. It was tons of fun. I think overall I played rockband the most. Then we all had Christmas breakfast which was well, basically a regular breakfast only with more food. My favorite part was the egg dish. I look forward to it every year. The snow was also a lot of fun. I went sledding down one of the streets. It was pretty steep. I fell on my face a few times though, that kind of hurt. I didn't go skiing or snowboarding or anything, but Ski Bus starts on Saturday which is in like 2 days!!! i can't wait!!!!


Lillianna said...

Sound like you had a good christmas! I always go have christmas with my cousins too. Wow 100$ to itunes lucky! What's a chinese yoyo? Anyways it sounds cool:). My brother got rockband too but he didn't want it. I was like I'll have it! BYE

Kareena Moore said...

Hey Eva!!!! I love you blog. for christmas I went up to Alaska. That was fun and the snow went up to my waist. Was it fun seeing all your cousins again? I would of loved that! I know that you did too. But I really can't think of any thing to say!!!

Walker L. said...

Sweet! Sounds like you had a really awesome Christmas Break! Mine was kind of boring but I got to go to Whistler for New Years. I really want to get rockband but I can't multi task at all and I dont think that I would be able to play that...
See you on the Ski Bus!


Elli Madsen said...

Lots of people did write about winter break. Your mom has a lot of family members. Salmon is really good. I got a wii and Rock Band to. I no your always excited about Saturday now.

JC said...

That sounds fun! My family usually has a big Christmas too. It's really sweet that you got rockband 2!! It's nice that your uncle makes you salmon every year. It's weird because I live in a place with more seafood than some, but I don't like it! Oh well, the snow was awesome.

Dominik said...

So nice Christmas. I wish i could go on the ski bus.... im sad now , Anyway i wish i could get rockband 2 it sounds awesome but first i would have to get a wii or xbox 360 or ps3 and that costs alot so no rockband for me. But i drank alot of eggnog on Christmas and thats about it and i got like 600$ in computer parts.