Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Break

This Spring Break I am going to go up to Mt. Baker, Forks, and La Push. (It wasn't my idea) :P I really want to go to Baker though. First we're going up to Forks and spending two nights. Then we're going to go to La Push and look around. We will probably go on some of the beaches and stuff. After that we're going up to Baker. I love snowboarding and i can't wait for that part. I'm the only snowboarder in my family though. Everyone else ski's. I used to ski until this year when I took the ski bus up to Stevens Pass every Saturday and took snowboarding lessons. That was a lot of fun and I'm really sad that its over. The cold weather here is really starting to bother me though. I love snow and being in a cold climate for a month or two but after that it starts to get old. I miss the warm weather in the Marshall Islands. The only bad thing about that though is that there's no snowboarding because there's no snow. haha figures right? I wish there was some kind of thing where it could snow one day and then be 80 degrees the next day. A teleporter would be cool too. I could go to Mt. Baker and go snowboarding one day and then i could teleport back to somewhere warm like Hawaii. That would be soooo awesome. But yeah! Thats my Spring Break........and my warm and cold weather issues haha

1 comment:

Nels Bergquist said...

It's nice to have a plan.