Monday, March 2, 2009

What am I?

I'm dark and light
I'm mysterious yet known
I'm helpful but sometimes feared
I'm close but far
I'm a part of everyones life
What am I?

(Highlight below for answer)
The Moon

I run and fall
I'm life and death
I'm beautiful yet hazardous
I can be smooth or rough
I'm needed
What am I?

(Highlight below for answer)


Anonymous said...

Your poems are sort of creepy. Couldn't you have done something like snowflakes or puppies?? Even though they're creepy I still like them. Maybe I'll go write some like yours. They give me some good ideas for poems of my own.

Xanthurian said...

HI Eva! I like the riddles. The first one's kind of confusing but the second one is really good. The simple and common nature of water makes it a good confusing riddle. It reminds me of Frodo's egg riddle. The first one is very true (especially if werewolves exist (random thought))