Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kwajalein, RMI

Kwajalein is an island on the equator in the South Pacific. Kwaj is a tropical island with lots of palm trees, banana trees, pandana trees, and much more. Some of the wildlife includes lizards, birds, and lots of sea life. The island has lots of activities like basketball courts, tennis courts, racquetball, skate park, bowling alley, library, soccer fields, baseball fields, Teen Center, movie theater, and lots of beaches. Only people that work for some type of government are allowed to live on the island. Some things that you might need if you come to kwaj would be sunglasses, lots of shorts and tank tops, sunscreen, a bathing suit, and flip flops. Temperatures there reach around 75-85 degrees a day, but there is a high humidity level so it seems hotter than it is. The days of the week can be very confusing for new comers. Instead of the normal weekend days, Saturday and Sunday, the weekend days are Sunday and Monday. One reason for this is so that people
are in work on the same days of the week.There are three different types of housing, new housing, old housing, and domes. Our family lived in a dome which is fiberglass made into an oval shape bubble. The ocean is beautiful. The water is a blue/green color with lots of gorgeous reefs to snorkel or dive. There are bright colored corals and fish along with wild dolphins. If you're Lucky enough, one might let you touch it. There is a turtle pond on the island where you can bring either turtle food or some type of vegetable to feed them. They even put their fins in the air so you can touch them. If you have a sailboat, you can sail to some of the outer islands where they have mantarays and flying fish. On some of the islands way out on the end of the atoll you can find turtle eggs and turtle tracks on the beach. I highly suggest sailing. They have a good school system for all the kids that go there. There is K.A.P.S. (Kwajalein Atoll Pre-School) which is a
good place for kids in their first year. Then there's George Seitz Elementry School which goes from 1st grade to 6th. They have two playgrounds, one is for grades 1-3 and the other one is grades 4-6. The teachers are good too. Then there's the Jr. Sr. High school which goes from grades 7-12. This school has good teachers and a nice school. The school consists of about 200 kids. They have many different classes for the kids to choose from and after school they can go to the Namo Weto Youth Center (Teen Center) to do homework or just hang out. They have things like board games, pool, air hockey, ping pong, video games, and computers. This island is very safe for all kids because they are on an island where only certain people can come. Because of this, kids can basically go anywhere without parental supervision. Most kids go to the movies every Saturday or go to the teen center on the weekends. This is where I lived for the past four years. Thanks for reading!


Phalen said...

My favorite part of your blog is when you describe different activities you can do in Kwajalein. This is the first time I've ever heard of Kwajalein! It sounds like a really fun, and safe place to live. The weather sounds perfect compared to the really cold weather I'm used to. I would really like to visit Kwajalein, it sounds like a easy going place to live!

Elli Madsen said...

I acctually knew where the island was (well I guess you told me before). What are Pandana trees? So I guess you were special enough to live on the island. I would get really confused about the days there.

Sienna said...

Hey Eva! Nice blog! Sounds like a really fun place to live. When you moved I missed you so much, and now you're back and I'm so happy! The weather there sounds a lot nicer then here though. I'd like to go visit there! I bet you miss it.

Nice job on the blog! Keep them coming!

Mr. Bergquist said...

I had no idea that you lived in such an amazing place for the past four years!! Consider writing about some of your specific experiences while you were there. I'm sure that a lot of people would like to hear more.


Madisons Blog said...

Oh My Gosh i am so glad you told me about the place you lived for the past 4 years i was wondering when you are going to tell me and i just found out that my dad is well i think he is remodeling your bathroom so yeah we can hang out

Chelby said...

Hey Eva! I'm SO happy you moved back! I missed you so much! When I got your email I flipped. Haha. The weather sounds REALLY nice. I wish our weather was like that! Haha see you later.

Benjamin said...

Eva, the weather there sounds alot nicer than here. It sounded lke a fun place to live. I would love to take a trip there. It sounded pretty easy going. This was very well written.

Zo Zo said...

Nice blog.. sounds like a nice place! do you miss it

~ Zoe

Walker L. said...

Eva. This sounds like one of the coolest places i have ever heard of. Its like its own little world outside of everything else! Sounds like you can NEVER get bored there and there and its the perfect tempature! I would love to travel there some day my dad works for the Government "i think" haha, but it would be a really cool place to live. I don't really get what a dome is... But it sounds like a hampster cage.
