Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life Graph

This is my life graph. I'm going to tell you about one of my terrible experiences, getting stung by a man-of-war jellyfish. This jellyfish is one of the worst jellyfishes to get stung by. They have a head that's filled with air so they can float on top of the water and go wherever the wind takes them. Sometimes they wash up on the beach, and if you're wearing shoes you can walk along and pop their heads. It's a lot of fun. :) This happened when I was in the Marshall Islands. We were on one of our many sailing trips and decided to stop at an island called Bigej (beejee). It was covered in palm trees, pandana trees, and banana trees. It's water is a really pretty sight, it's always blue and green and warm! There is a month that's called the jellyfish season. This is when all the man-of-war jellyfish drift down to our atoll. When this season comes, you want to make sure that you swim in the lagoon because the jellyfish like to stay in the ocean where it's windy and wavy. What happened was, I found this really cool bottle on the beach and it was covered in sand, so i went down to the water on the ocean side of the island and dipped it in the water. When i lifted up my hand there was one of the jellyfish on my hand. I freaked out and tried to get it off by wiping it all over my body. (that was a mistake) I had over 60 bumps from that jellyfish. It wasn't fun. It stung really bad, and you know what you have to do when you get stung by a jellyfish? Pee on it :(:(:(:(:(:(:( EEEWWWW. It was disgusting. I hope i never get stung by one again. That concludes my story!!!!! Thanks for reading!


Lillianna said...
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Zo Zo said...

Eww... thats scary

Phalen said...

Hey Eva,
Your a great writer. You make all of your blogs so interesting to read about. If I was stung by a jellyfish I would be terrified! I hate jellyfish! I'm glad your okay!

Anonymous said...

Eva Life Graph,
Hey its Camden. You should write more you are really good. Maybe you should talk about another story from your graph. So keep on typing! It was a sweet story so bye!

Elli Madsen said...

O my Gosh! now you see why I hate Jelly Fish! Why did you rub it all over your body silly? And another good reason for me to not like them is you have to pee on where they sting! Is it one of the more deadly jelly fishes? Is there a Jelly Fish season here cause if there is let me know.

Adam Baesler said...

That sucks that you got stung. The way you cure it is even worse. Hope that I never get stung. Well I am pretty sure that there is not a jellyfish season here. Nice writing, you are really good at keeping the reader interested.


Hayden Nichols said...

Wow that sucks. I've never been stung bye a jelly fish. Do you still have the bottle? Thats weird that you can just pop them. Have you ever seen any of the jelly fish around here?

Chelby said...

ewwwwwwww gross. i hate jellyfish. sorry about your bumps. if i had a jellyfish on my hand or any part of my body i would scream bloody murder, cry, and run around like a chicken without a head. haha. glad your ok though.

Christyna(: said...

that was really well written. but sounds like it must've been horrible. jellyfish are really pretty though. except for the idea that you could be swimming and not notice them scares me a bit. they should've made jaws about jellyfish. im pretty sure id be more likely to notice a shark swimming towards me than a jellyfish.