Thursday, September 18, 2008

My summer vacation

This summer after i moved back from the Marshall Islands, I went to visit my cousins in Chicago and my grandparents in Michigan. The plane to Chicago was about 5 hours long but it wasn't that bad because I used to fly two five hour flights back to the states each year. The food was disgusting, but isn't it always on airplanes? When we got there it was like 5 in the afternoon. We had to take a bus to the car rental place and get a car to drive to my cousin's house. When we finally got there we got a tour of their new house. It was really cool. They have three floors plus a basement. My cousin's names are Ella (the oldest), Kate, and Maggie (the youngest). They live right by a tennis court and 3 parks along with a school and basketball courts. Its really neat. At night the cicadas are really loud and annoying but after a while you get used to it. After a week, we drove all the way up to Charlevoix, Michigan. The drive was six hours but it seemed like two. We had a lot of food stocked up and a dvd player so we were all set and ready to go. When we got there we put all of our stuff up in our room and went outside to pick blackrasberries and stuff. My grandpa got out a golf cart for me to drive around on his 5 acres. That was a lot of fun. My brother, Aaron, drove the lawn mower. My cousin, Ryan, came the next day. He's in his twenties and has a motorcycle. He took me for a ride. It was tons of fun. When we stopped my hair was in knots, but it was worth it. :) After we were done visiting there, we had to drive all the way back to Chicago, stay a night at my cousins house, and then fly all the way back here to Washington on the five hour flight. It was a pretty good vacation. We might even do it again next year!


Jens said...

you must have a lot of fun where you go. i have only been out of washigton
twice and they where both in idaho. see you soon


Anonymous said...

I think that you really are getting some cool experiences already in your life. A lot of people don't ever get to do anything interesting or learn and experience new things. I think it would be nice to have relatives in different parts of the world so you can go visit them! The farthest I've gone was to Hawaii to visit my grandparents.

norah said...

Wow that sounds amazing and i would vary much like to travel to marchil islands.How was it living there.And wow your aunts house sounds really BIG.It also looks vary beatiful you have been lots of places already.I have only traveld like three places.

Ellie said...

wow that sounds like alot of fun!! except for the plaine ride i have only been out of washington 1 time i went to portland organ with my pony club and we all stayed at the hilton hotel it was alot of fun!! we would all go to classes about horses and we even got to meet Amy Trion!! (:

Elli Madsen said...

hey Eva! a five hour flight isnt too long. I hate airplane food to. Chicago sounds like it was a lot of fun. 6 hours in a car is a long time to sit in one place. I want to ride on a motor cycle but im pretty sure my mom wont let me.

Cameron said...

Hey Eva it's Cameron. That is a lot of traveling! It also sounds like a lot of fun though. I have been out of Washington quite a few times. I have gone to Canada many times and I have also gone to Oregon, Florida, and California. I would not have made it through all of that driving in the car though.

Brown man said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I drive to my grandma's house every year, and it takes 6 hours too! Have been on a train before? The food is tasty. I wish I could ride on a motorcycle...

Kareena Moore said...

Wow. That sound amazing. When we were sailing I was only like one or two. We sailed to the Cook Islands, New Zealand, Tonga and French Polynesia and some others but I don't remember them. We lived in New Zealand for five months. But you probably don't want to hear about that, but if you do then look at my blog. But your summer sounds like you did a bunch, and had fun while doing it.

Angie said...

Hey eva! how are you! i love your blog! sounds like alot of fun! it is alot of fun getting out of school early and the teachers cut some slack so its not hard at all to make up work! you should do volleyball next year! are you doing anyother sports this year??

Zo Zo said...

WOW eva.. .that's amazing