Friday, October 10, 2008


I went on vacation to Bali which is an island in Indonesia. I went during winter break and i had to miss about two weeks because we took such a long trip. I had a lot of homework to make up, but I thought it was worth it. We were living in the Marshall Islands at the time. We took a plane to Guam and then another one to Bali. We had a guy waiting for us that showed us around the whole time we were there. He was really nice and had a family and everything. Right when you walked into the airport there was this smell that was really overwhelming. I couldn't breath at first but i eventually got used to it. When we started driving down the road to our hotel that we were going to stay at, i got really freaked out becuase i forgot that you had to drive on the other side of the road. It looked like you were going to hit someone everytime you passed a car. The first thing we did the next day was go to a waterpark. It was so much fun! The next day we drove up to a different town and we went to a monkey temple. That's where i got bitten by a monkey. :) What you do is you buy bananas to feed to the monkeys, and if a monkey jumps on you and you don't give him a banana, he'll attack you. Especially if it's one of the big ones. There is a lot of other cool things you can also do in Bali. They have great shops and really low prices! I bought a lot of stuff, and by the end of the trip, i hadn't even spent a hundred dollars! I felt rich! :) Bali was an awesome place to visit and a cool experience! You should vacation there sometime! I was at the place in the picture!!! :)


Madisons Blog said...

Wow i wish i couls go to bali it ounds like fun cause when i was in greece i ran out of money and if they have a waterpark i am so there! how big was it? next time you go somewhere you are so taking me!

Isaac said...

That sounds cool Eva. I wish i could go to Bali. Were else have you gone before. Ive gone to Greece before. Well keep up the good work.

Elli Madsen said...

Hey so you had like a chaufer? What did it smell like? You had to drive on the opposite side of the rode in Australia. I love Water parks!! I want to go to the monkey temple!

Eva Seelye said...

this is a reply to isaacs

Yeah it was pretty cool. Lets see, (this is going to be long) I've been to Michigan, here (ofcourse), Illinois, Florida, California, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, Bahamas, and Bali. I guess it wasn't that long. haha. I thought that the best place was the Marshall Islands, but maybe its becuase that's the only tropical place I can remember. :)
Thanks for the comment!

Lillianna said...

That place looked really cool!! That sounds like a lot of fun! I wish you could spend money like that here! That sucks that the monkey bit you! You must of not had a banana on hand. talk to you later, BYE.

Inches said...

You have been to so many cool places! I hope you didn't get rabies or anything from that monkey! haha. That temple in the picture is amazing! How old are they? Keep up the good work!


Hayden Nichols said...

You get to go to a lot of fun places. The only tropical places I've been are Hawaii, Mexico, and Florida. I've also been to Canada, which was more fun that you would have expected. I've also been to Oregon and Mane. My favorite place to go is Hawaii because everybody there is so nice. This is especially true on Kauai. I love the beaches and temperature there too.

Mr. Bergquist said...

Those monkeys sound fierce. Was the bite something like this?

JC said...

Eva, that sounds amazing! Did they have a lot of tea there? I really like tea and that seems like a place that would. The place in the picture is BEAUUUUTIFUL! Your so lucky you got to go there. It looks like an ancient temple or something.

Sleisle said...

That is amazing. Being bitten by a monkey must make a great story to tell people.Do you know what type of monkey it was? Could you describe the smell to me?