Monday, June 8, 2009


I went to Mexico this last week... I'm not really sure why we chose to go 2 weeks before school was out but it was still fun. We had to take a flight to Houston, Texas and then a connecting flight to Mexico. We got to Houston and we got confused by the time difference so we were like "oh we have like an hour before we leave" so we go to a few of those airport stores and when we get back, the people were like... "You missed your flight" We had to get a hotel and stay the night and then wake up the next morning and get to the airport. We didn't even have real tickets. It wasn't fun. We got on the flight and we got to Mexico a day light. It was so hot! Everything there looked dead and dry. There were iguanas running free around all the houses and stuff. We saw wild monkeys and I held a crocodile. We also swam in underwater pools called cenotes. It was really cool. We stayed at the Grand Mayan hotel and it was huge! They had like 20 swimming pools and the resort was also on the beach! I got a realllllllly bad sunburn though. It was hard to move. But yeah over all it was tons of fun! If you ever want to go to Mexico.... I think you should go in the winter so it's not so hot. I go dehydrated about 5 times !

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Westward Expansion

Did you stand up straight but stay relaxed?
I think i stood up straight. I know i wasn't that relaxed.

Did you pause for a moment before you began your speech?
Yes i paused before i started. I also had to pause between slides though.

Did you look at your audience?
Yeah. I think I looked mostly at Mr. B. I know I looked at the other people occasionally though.

Did you let your facial expressions naturally reflect what you were saying?
I think i did. I did when i was talking about the drinking water.

Did you use your hands?
I didn't use my hands a lot. They mostly stayed in front of my stomach.

Did you speak loudly enough so that everyone could hear you?
I'm pretty sure i did. I don't know though because it sounded really quiet on the video camera.

Did you change your tone to show how you felt (upset, excited) about an idea or to emphasize a point?
I don't think i did that very well. I basically stated the information i was trying to convey.

Was your speed of delivery too fast, too slow or just right?
I think it was a little fast. My presentation seemed to go really quick.

Did you practice your speech at home before giving it?
I practiced it a few times. Enough so that I knew most of what I was going to say.

What did you notice that you did well in your speech?
I noticed that I had a lot of information. I thought it made me feel like I practiced it a lot.

Describe one aspect of public speaking you will work to improve?
I will try to improve my delivery. I went too fast and that would be a good thing to fix.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tweety's Face!

Eyes: Her eyes are bowling pins
Ears: Her ears are small pebbles - too small to see but they work well
Mouth: Her mouth is a sunflower seed - small and pointy
Nose: Her nose is two grains of sand
Forehead: Her forehead is the top of a bowling ball - round and shiny
Hair: Her hair is 3 long blades of grass
Cheeks: Her cheeks are marshmallows - round and puffy
Eyebrows: Her eyebrows are two thin pencil lines
Face: Her face is a clam
Skin: Her skin is a yellow sun

Monday, March 16, 2009

Frontier House Application

Family Name: Seelye

Occupations/Schools: Langley Middle School

Open answer questions (attach additional pages. All questions must be answered.):
What attracted you to this project?
Being outside in the wild on your own and having to survive

What hobbies and interests do you have?
Hiking, camping, volleyball, dance, softball

What image do you have of pioneer living?
I know that it's really hard and challenging but i think that in the end, you will have learned a lot about life.

What's the most challenging thing you and your family (or group) have experienced?
My family went sailing around outer islands in the Bahamas for six weeks. It was just us, some deserted islands, and the ocean.

If you were chosen what do you think you would most miss about modern life?
Music, but you can sing all you want so i guess its not that big of a thing to be missing.

What qualities do you and your family have that make you suited to this experience?
We've been out in the wilderness by ourselves before and all of us will be prepared for what we have to do.

What skills do you have that may help you?
I can prepare food, wash dishes and clothes, i'm good with animals, and I've had other experiences.

What would you hope to get out of the experience?
I would hope to learn a little more about life and its challenges without the advantages of the year 2009.

What do you think will be the most difficult challenge of pioneer life?
Probably maintaining enough food and having it last as long as you need to last it. Preparing for the Winter would also be a challenging part.

What skills would you like to learn from the experience?
How to rely entirely on yourself.

We'd like you to tell us:
What interests you about this project?
The experience of living back in 1883.

Do you have any concerns about your participation?
No, i have no concerns.

How much do you know about your family history -- do you have pioneer roots?
Not that I know of.

How did you hear about Frontier House?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Intimate Poem

Dear Fish
I just wanted to say
I'm terribly sorry
for killing your friends
the frogs

It wasn't intentionally
I accidentally fed them too much

I also want to tell you to
stop picking on the littler one
That's just mean
But I truly am sorry

Spring Break

This Spring Break I am going to go up to Mt. Baker, Forks, and La Push. (It wasn't my idea) :P I really want to go to Baker though. First we're going up to Forks and spending two nights. Then we're going to go to La Push and look around. We will probably go on some of the beaches and stuff. After that we're going up to Baker. I love snowboarding and i can't wait for that part. I'm the only snowboarder in my family though. Everyone else ski's. I used to ski until this year when I took the ski bus up to Stevens Pass every Saturday and took snowboarding lessons. That was a lot of fun and I'm really sad that its over. The cold weather here is really starting to bother me though. I love snow and being in a cold climate for a month or two but after that it starts to get old. I miss the warm weather in the Marshall Islands. The only bad thing about that though is that there's no snowboarding because there's no snow. haha figures right? I wish there was some kind of thing where it could snow one day and then be 80 degrees the next day. A teleporter would be cool too. I could go to Mt. Baker and go snowboarding one day and then i could teleport back to somewhere warm like Hawaii. That would be soooo awesome. But yeah! Thats my Spring Break........and my warm and cold weather issues haha

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just to say poem

The delicious cookies
in the cookie jar
have disappeared

I know you thought
they were going to be
as delicious as
Grandma's secret recipe

One minute they were in my hand
and the next they were gone!

Monday, March 2, 2009

What am I?

I'm dark and light
I'm mysterious yet known
I'm helpful but sometimes feared
I'm close but far
I'm a part of everyones life
What am I?

(Highlight below for answer)
The Moon

I run and fall
I'm life and death
I'm beautiful yet hazardous
I can be smooth or rough
I'm needed
What am I?

(Highlight below for answer)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What If?

What if
Rain was liquid candy?
Everyone would be sticky instead of wet.
No one would go hungry unless there was a drought,
and everyone would be hyped up on sugar all the time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


<- walker's Version id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5302018952055587394" border="0" />

<- Eva's Version

This is the monster I made in Mr. Bergquist's class. What we had to do was create a monster and write a descriptive paragraph about it so someone else could get it and draw it according to your descriptions. Mine is supposed to be from mars, so i called him Marsman. His hair is like purple snakes and his body is huge, green and round with blue polka dots. His legs are checked blue and green and he has two toes on each foot that curl up like an elve's. His face is shaped like a skull and his arms are long and pointy. He has huge eyes, a unibrow, and a nose that's pink and pushed up like a pig's nose. He doesn't have a neck. He has wrinkles around his mouth, nose, and eyes. It looks like he could be 100 years old. He lives in this really cool area with mars mountains and really weird creatures. There is a little bird with really long arms sitting next to him. The cave behind him in one of the mountains is his cave. The circle in the corner is the moon incase you didn't know what it was. It's really interusting to see how other people draw your monster. I'm pretty sure that the one i drew that was someone else's looks nothing like the real thing. Some of them were so different, you could barely tell they were supposed to look the same. It was funny. Well that's my monster!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Break!

I know that everyone else is probably writing the same thing but oh well. It's all I have to talk about :P Ok, well, this winter, my cousin and her family came over and stayed at our house for a week. We went up to my grandma's house to celebrate Christmas with the rest of our family. My mom has one sister and 3 brothers so it was a big get together. For Christmas Eve dinner we had salmon. It was so good. My uncle makes it for us every year. When all of the younger kids went to bed, me one of my older cousins, Sarah, and the adults put out all the presents. On Christmas morning we all woke up and sat in the living room waiting for everyone to get there. When they finally got there we all opened up our presents. I got rockband 2, some clothes, $100 itunes gift card, a wallet, a chinese yoyo and some other stuff. It was tons of fun. I think overall I played rockband the most. Then we all had Christmas breakfast which was well, basically a regular breakfast only with more food. My favorite part was the egg dish. I look forward to it every year. The snow was also a lot of fun. I went sledding down one of the streets. It was pretty steep. I fell on my face a few times though, that kind of hurt. I didn't go skiing or snowboarding or anything, but Ski Bus starts on Saturday which is in like 2 days!!! i can't wait!!!!